2012.12.14 醫療傷害處理之法律與政策:刑事責任合理化與不責難之醫療傷害補償制度

會議時間:101 年12 月14 日(星期五)09:00-12:30

會議地點:國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院拱北講堂(台北市徐州路17 號1 樓R117)

主辦單位:國立臺灣大學生醫暨科技倫理法律與社會中心、國立臺灣大學系統生物學中心、國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院、國立臺灣大學政策與法律中心、生技醫藥國家型科技計畫ELSI 組






TCEN 第二十八次臨床倫理工作坊 : 醫療機構施行終止或撤除維生醫療作業

時間:2012 年 10月26 日(星期五) 下午1點30分至5點30分


主辦單位:台灣醫學會、台灣大學醫學院附設醫院、台中榮民總醫院、奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院、佛教慈濟綜合醫院 台灣大學生醫暨科技倫理法律與社會中心、衛生署醫學倫理委員會



時   間 主題 演講人
13:10~13:30 報到
13:30~13:40 開幕致辭 張上淳副院長台大醫院臨床倫理委員會主任委員主持人引言蔡甫昌醫師
13:40~14:20 臨終生命教育~生與死的心靈功課 釋慧開法師南華大學教授兼代理校長蔡茂堂牧師台北和平長老教會 (視訊播放)
14:20~15:40 不施行心肺復甦術 方震中醫師台大醫院急診部
預立醫療指示 蔡兆勳醫師台大醫院家庭醫學部
撤除維生醫療 呂立醫師  台大醫院小兒科部
15:40~16:00 Coffee Break
16:00~17:20 終止或撤除維生醫療作業及醫學倫理委員會審查實務座談及案例討論 郭律成醫師  台大醫院內科部邱瓊慧護理師台大醫院護理部朱志奇社工師台大醫院社工室陳聰富教授  台大法律學院、臨床倫理委員會委員
17:20~17:30 總結 蔡甫昌醫師


2012.10.26 心智科學人文與文化研討會

心智科學、人文與文化 ( Mind Sciences, Humanity, and Culture )

時間:2012 年10 月26 日(五)09:00-17:00





The progress in mind sciences (e.g. neuroscience, psychiatry and psychology) began to speed up in the last decades of the twentieth century. It has also facilitated the appearance of new discourses in humanity disciplines. Among them, the most obvious includes neurolaw, neuroethics, neurophilosophy, neuroeconomics, etc. Furthermore, sociocultural approach to mind sciences emphasizes the exploration of the mutual embededness and constitution of mind, brain and societal values (or, to put it more broadly, culture). Sociocultural patterns as revealed in ideas, values, practices and products can shape people’s mind and behavior. On the other hand, as people collectively engage in their social and environmental contexts, they are also actively making meanings and through their actions building the new meanings into their contexts. Hence, mind sciences, humanity and culture needs to be considered together.

In the conference, scholars of law, ethics, and philosophy, will present their papers addressing issues of mind sciences and humanity, of which the implications in or mutual embeddedness with culture will be explored. At a meta‐level, the surging interests in mind sciences and humanity might itself a cultural phenomenon, a term that is worthy of its own meticulous analysis. Through the conference, we hope the presenters can contribute collectively to the trans‐disciplinary scholarship.



TCEN 第二十七次臨床倫理工作坊 : 醫療機構施行終止或撤除維生醫療作業

會議時間:2012年10月19日(星期五)下午 1:30至5:30

會議地點:花蓮慈濟醫院感恩樓二樓二期講堂  (花蓮市中央路三段707號)


協辦單位:台灣安寧緩和醫學學會、台灣安寧照顧協會、台灣安寧緩和護理學會、 財團法人中華民國(台灣)安寧照顧基金會



時 間 主題 演講人 主持人
13:10~13:30 報到
13:30~13:40 開幕致辭 高瑞和院長(花蓮慈濟醫院)
13:40~14:20 臨終生命教育~生與死的心靈功課
釋慧開法師 南華大學生死學系專任教授兼代理校長蔡茂堂牧師 臺大醫院醫學倫理委員會委員 王英偉主任
14:20~15:00 不施行心肺復甦術與預立醫療指示 王英偉 花蓮慈濟大學人文醫學科主任 許正園主任
15:00~15:40 撤除維生醫療之倫理與法律 蔡甫昌 臺大醫院社會醫學科主任 許正園主任
15:40~16:00 Coffee Break
16:00~16:40 終止或撤除維生醫療作業及醫學倫理委員會審查實務座談 許正園 台中榮總胸腔內科主任 蔡甫昌主任
16:40~17:10 案例討論 全體講者
17:10~17:20 總結


TCEN 第二十六次臨床倫理工作坊 : 醫療機構施行終止或撤除維生醫療作業

會議時間:2012年10月5日(星期五)下午 1:30至5:30




協辦單位:台灣安寧緩和醫學學會、台灣安寧照顧協會、台灣安寧緩和護理學會、 財團法人中華民國(台灣)安寧照顧基金會



時 間 主題 演講人 主持人
13:10~13:30 報到
13:30~13:40 開幕致辭 奇美醫院 邱仲慶院長
13:40~14:20 臨終生命教育~生與死的心靈功課
釋慧開法師 南華大學生死學系專任教授兼代理校長蔡茂堂牧師 臺大醫院醫學倫理委員會委員 王志中副院長
14:20~14:50 不施行心肺復甦術與預立醫療指示 許正園 台中榮總胸腔內科主任 周偉倪主任
14:50~15:20 撤除維生醫療之倫理與法律 黃正安 奇美醫院榮譽副院長/律師 周偉倪主任
15:20~15:40 Coffee Break
15:40~17:20 終止或撤除維生醫療作業及醫學倫理委員會審查實務座談(醫師、護理師、倫委會委員、社工師) 蔡甫昌 臺大醫學院社會醫學科主任許正園 台中榮總胸腔內科主任

周偉倪 奇美醫院醫學倫理委員會主席

陳冠廷 奇美醫院安寧病房主任

陳雅琪 奇美醫院安寧共照護理師

林秀娟 奇美醫院講座教授

陳如意 高雄榮總安寧病房主任

17:20~17:30 總結 周偉倪主任


TCEN 第二十五次臨床倫理工作坊 : 醫療機構施行終止或撤除維生醫療作業

時     間:2012 年 09月 28 日(星期五)下午 1:30~5:30

地     點:臺中榮民總醫院研究大樓1F第二會場(台中市西屯區台中港路三段160號)





2012.3.23-24 International Conference on Biomedical Ethics and East Asian Confucian Traditions

2012 International Conference on

Biomedical Ethics and East Asian Confucian Traditions


The Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences and the Center for Ethics, Law and Society in Biomedicine and Technology, National Taiwan University are very honored to welcome you to the 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Ethics and East Asian Confucian Traditions. This Conference will explore current bio‐medical ethical issues, in view of practice implementation and ethical frameworks, from the perspectives of Confucian approaches in East Asian context. Internationally and domestically renowned scholars in the field will give speeches either from a theoretical/analytical approach or from a practical/empirical approach to the conference theme, and to discuss implications for governance and regulation. Presentation topics include: biomedical ethics and Confucianism, Confucian bioethics methods, Confucian perspectives on informed consent, research ethics review, end of life care, assisted reproduction, medical education, risk governance and health communication, and medical law.

Date: March 23 (Friday) PM and 24(Saturday) AM/PM, 2012

Venue: Professor GB Chen Memorial Lecture Room, College of Pubic Health, National Taiwan University


  1. The Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University
  2. Center for Ethics, Law and Society in Biomedicine and Technology, National Taiwan University (CBME)


  1. College of Public Health, National Taiwan University
  2. College of Law, National Taiwan University
  3. Department of Social Medicine, National Taiwan University College of Medicine
  4. Charité Medical University, SIGENET Health Program, Berlin, Germany
  5. Taiwan Clinical Ethics Network (TCEN)


March 23


Time Topic Speaker
13:10-13:40 Registration
13:40-14:10 Opening RemarkDeans Pan-Chyr Yang, Chun-Chieh HuangPhotography and Coffee
Session 1: Confucianism and Biomedical EthicsChair: Tzu-Yi Lin
14:10-15:30 The Possible Implications of Confucianism to Biomedical Ethics Ynhui Park (South Korea)
The End of Life: Legal Change and Culture in Taiwan Tsung-Fu Chen (Taiwan)
15:30-15:50 Coffee break
Session 2: Confucian Approach to Biomedical EthicsChair: Jeu-Jenq Yuann
15:50-17:40 The Fallacy and Dangers of Dichotomizing Cultures: Confucianism Misinterpreted in Chinese-Western Comparative Perspectives Jing-Bao Nie (New Zealand)
Principlism and Confucianism: Cultural Variances in Medical Ethics? Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai (Taiwan)
Salient Features of Confucian Ethics and Their Implications for Biomedical Issues Kam Por Yu (Hong Kong)


March 24


Time Topic Speaker
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:10 WelcomeHong-Nerng Ho
Session 3: Research Ethics and ConfucianismChair: Hong-Nerng Ho
9:10-10:30 Comparing and Complementing: Approaches to Bringing Confucianism to Life in Clinical Trial Ethics Ole Döring (Germany)
Ethical Review of Clinical Research Xiuqin Wang (China)
10:30-10:50 Coffee break
Session 4:Risk Communicationand Citizen DeliberationChair: Wei J. Chen
10:50-12:10 The Deepening Distrustful Society without Risk Communication – A Comparison of Public Risk Perception on GMO in 2004 and 2011 in Taiwan Kuei-Tien Chou (Taiwan)
Citizen Deliberation on Surrogate Motherhood in Taiwan Kuo-Ming Lin (Taiwan)
12:10-13:10 Lunch
Session 5: Cross-Cultural Biomedical EthicsChair: Chi-Wan Lai
13:10–14:30 Speaking Up in the East-Asian Ethical Tradition James Dwyer (Taiwan & USA)
A Cross-Cultural Study of Students’ Reasoning of Professional Dilemmas Ming-Jung Ho (Taiwan)
14:30-14:50 Coffee break
Session 6: Culture, Law and Biomedical PracticesChair:Jung-Der Wang
14:50-16:10 What Role does Chinese Culture Play in Informed Consent Wei Zhu (China)
Law and Cultural Practices: The Implications of Taiwan Hospice and Palliative Care Act Kevin Chien-Chang Wu (Taiwan)
16:10-16:30 Closing remarks Ole Döring (Germany)Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai (Taiwan)
16:30-17:30 Medical Humanity Museum Tour